Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Short. But very, very sweet.

You know how you always get those “Bon Voyage” emails on someone’s last day at like 5:30PM? Well, I usually never even knew they gave notice. And by the time I look for them to say goodbye, they’re gone.

My last day is Friday, June 22nd. So I just thought it best to send it out now. Plenty of time to say goodbye.

This was not an easy decision. Mostly because, without exception, the XXX team is by far the most talented team I have worked with in my career. Marketing, Tech, Project Mgmnt, Media, IA, - all incredibly smart, each always making the work better.

Creatively, PK has been great. And RR and JB are both supremely talented. If you have never bugged them to see their work, then stop by their desks and bug them to see their work. It’s that good and then some.

For me, I’m a first-time father and this kid is so damn cute, I’m just not willing to commute. What’s that? You want to see pictures of my son? Sure, swing by. :)

I wish you all continued success and nothing but the best.

Hope we stay in-touch. Sincerely.



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