Dear Globe Friends,
Today is my last day in Globe. Nothing is perfect but believe me when I say I enjoyed my stay in this company. That’s largely because of the wonderful people I’ve met here – you guys. Thank you all for enriching my life in one way or another. Thank you for sharing your ideas, your sentiments on things, and your time. Thank you.
I leave at a time when change is all around. Change is good. I will be pursuing something which is in line with my long-term goals. The company is also pursuing a different direction to achieve leadership position. But change comes with a price and in my case it’s the sadness from missing some of you whom I consider my very good friends. I know sappy emails are the worst but please indulge me and read this poem I leave to all of you.
To end on a lighter note, I also leave you with a quote from one of my favorite movies =) Please note that I mean that from a Globe business standpoint =P
Where Sadness Comes From
Don’t go back to say it came from way back when. It did, it did, but now.
When you said did just now did you feel a little dip, a curtsey in
the middle of the word, almost another syllable but
not quite? We like to say a word, a single word can make us feel.
There, there it is again, this time a falling down at the end of feel.
You feel it, how that little sound goes dropping down and hangs alone.
I’m here to tell you I come from a place where hanging used to happen:
it happened in the trees, by God, it happens even now in air,
the air the mouth lets loose; I hear a hanging all the time. It leaves
a sadness in the voice; we speak, and wait for history to catch up
with us. It’s slow, but then, that lets you hear it coming; you hear it now
before you speak, that sadness in your voice, the part of you that wants
to last, to hang or dip, to hold the word for just a little more—
my people, this is an elegy to you, the sadness in your voice.
-Maurice Manning
Look - you’re my best friend, so don’t take this the wrong way. In twenty years, if you’re still livin’ here, comin’ over to my house to watch the Patriots games, still workin’ construction, I’ll fuckin’ kill you. That’s not a threat; now, that’s a fact. I’ll fuckin’ kill you. – Chuckie, Good Will Hunting
PS I don’t use the word friend loosely so don’t be a stranger.
Mobile number – 0917XXXXXXX
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