Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Now for my peeps!

I am NOT saying goodbye and you all know that. Its really hard to run away from me so don’t try to hard. Before you know it, G will get a new blender for her apartment and lord knows that she will have a party to celebrate. I am expecting an evite very shortly.

Some of you told me you were sad because you wont hear my giggle around the office. I have officially nominated K to assume this role!K  laugh loud! Its contagious!

I do need someone to do 2 very important jobs while I am sitting at a new desk.
  1. Please take A out for air. She needs to vent, laugh, and tell great stories on a regular basis. Lol!
  2. M takes her coffee iced with cream and sugar. When O doesn’t keep her running late she returns the favor so don’t be shy. :) Please take care of my sissy.
Don’t be strangers. I want all the dirt! Ill be in a gossip free zone so please please help a girl out!


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