Hey folks:
What can I say? What a magnificent run it’s been these past 10 years. So many phenomenal memories. So much hilarity. I remember first coming to Modem, marveling at the “pioneering” attitude it embraced and how bright everyone was around me. I learned so much, so fast. I’m so grateful because this place continues to educate and refine me, even today.
Of course, even though most of you haven’t seen them, I’ll always cherish the many company videos — from spoofs around internal issues to poking fun at certain competitors (ahem, ahem ;>)), and even “Wingman In The Muddle” shown the other day. They’re the direct result of my passion around video and all its creative possibilities. It’s that very same passion, in fact, that’s driving me to move on.
For those who don’t know, I’m going off on my own. Staying in the realm of interactive, but concentrating on the experiential possibilities of video, broadcast, even video-based design. I can’t wait to get started and I’m especially thrilled Modem will be one of my first clients as I help them blow-out their video capabilities and continue as creative lead on XXX. It’s a terrific arrangement and I’m grateful for the opp. So yes, you haven’t gotten rid of me completely as I’ll still be in 1-2 days a week.
Anyway, so much more I could say, but the bottom line is...Though I was voted Heart Of The Company last year, I never thought of it that way. I’ve always thought of Modem as the heart of me. For a decade it’s been my inspiration, energy, drive, and true love. I will never forget the greatness of Modem nor you, the people that continue to make it that way. Thank you for everything, folks, I will miss you.
If you’d like to keep in touch, I’d love to hear from you. I’m at:
Well, in the immortal words of one prominent employee now past, “onward and upward.”
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